Allergies & Asthma

Allergy Home

At AllergyHome, we are part of a community striving to keep our kids with food allergies strong, safe, and healthy.

We know the challenges that come with managing pediatric food allergies and life threatening anaphylaxis.

Sharing expert-guided knowledge, experiences, and tools, you can be assured that AllergyHome’s resources can assist you in protecting and empowering your children and community living with food allergies.

View the comprehensive Living Confidently with Food Allergy handbook.

Back-to-school checklist for families with ASTHMA:

To get ready for a successful school year, the American Lung Association recommends this:

Back-to-school checklist for families with ASTHMA:

1. Schedule a check-up with your child's physician. Use your yearly check-up to create or revise your Asthma Action Plan, check the effectiveness of asthma medication and dosage, and get prescriptions for back-up medications for your school nurse, coaches, after-school program and other individuals helping with your child's care.

2. Assess your child's readiness to self-carry medication. All 50 states have laws that allow children to self-carry and use their asthma inhalers at school. Use the American Lung Association's Self-Carry Assessment Tool to see if your child is ready to carry and self-administer their asthma medication, which can save precious time and worry if your child has an asthma episode at school.

3. Set up an appointment with your school nurse. Remember to bring in your updated Asthma Action Plan and back-up medications. Take this time to sign all required medical forms and talk about whether your child can self-carry their own quick-relief inhaler, and how to manage any asthma emergencies that may happen during the school year.

4. Talk to your classroom teacher. Take a moment to talk to your child's teacher about their asthma, what triggers might bring on an attack and what to do in an emergency—whether that be to head directly to the school nurse or allow them to take use their quick-relief inhaler.

5. Introduce yourself to the PE teacher and any coaches. Kids with asthma shouldn't have to miss out on playing outside or participating in gym class! You can quickly put their minds at ease by talking about exercise-induced asthma, ways to manage symptoms and what to do in an emergency.

6. Have fun! There’s a lot to do at the start of the school year, but it can also be exciting to see old school friends and prep for a whole new year. Make sure to take a deep breath and enjoy!